A Church for All People


We believe that God loves all people without condition.  Therefore, at Crescent Hill you will find a diverse community of faith comprised of people of various races, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation, and world-views.

Roughly one-third of our congregation is comprised of refugees and immigrants. While most foreign-born members of our community are refugees from Burma, people born in Latin and South America, Europe, the Middle East, and other parts of Asia also call Crescent Hill their spiritual home.

In 2013 the church clarified its relationship with LGBTQ individuals. The congregation overwhelmingly voted to be open to grant ordination, hire, or perform wedding ceremonies for LGBTQ individuals. In other words, sexual identity or orientation will not be a factor in determining whether the church will ordain, hire or perform a wedding ceremony. Crescent Hill Baptist Church also voted in 2013 to join AWAB, the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists.  No matter who you are, where you are from, or where you have been, you will be welcomed at Crescent Hill.



Advent Banners 2010 - Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love

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Video produced by Steve Clark and Annette Ellard describing the relationship between CHBC and Karen refugees for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 2008 General Assembly.

                    Nepalese                             Chin                                 Arabic

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                                                  English and Karen

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           Japanese                          Spanish                               German

Thanks to Kathy Creech who made these banners for Advent.