

Your presence is a gift and you are always welcome at Crescent Hill. We consider anyone who actively participates in the life of our congregation, in whatever way, to be a part of our community of faith. We also invite you to consider serving Christ with us as a member. As a church member you will be able to participate in church-wide decisions regarding the direction and future of our congregation. We invite you to consider serving Christ with us as a member in any of the following categories:

  • upon profession of faith in Christ and baptism
  • transfer from another Baptist church or from any congregation which practices believer's baptism by immersion
  • by statement, when membership records are unavailable
  • by watchcare, for Baptists temporarily residing in Louisville

Furthermore, associate membership will be open to baptized members of other Christian communions who confess a personal faith in God through Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord, who are willing to support the aims and doctrines of this church

To indicate your desire to join,

  • simply come forward during the hymn of response offered during worship each week, or
  • speak to one of the ministers, or
  • hand them a completed Membership Interest Statement from the pew racks or availble from the chuch office.