January 16, 2011

"View From the Second Row"
Sermon on John Claypool - 50 yrs later
John Rowan Claypool V, preaching 

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[audio picks up at about fifth paragraph]

Crescent Hill Baptist Church
Louisville, KY

Scripture read by John Rowan Claypool VI
Luke 15: 11-24

There are many approaches to this daunting task of talking about Dr. John R Claypool-I have chosen but one. I have envisioned what I would say if asked: “tell me about your Dad’s time at Crescent Hill.” I have not tried to build it around my experience or talk as much about my Mother-Lue Ann Claypool-though she is worthy of extensive discussion too. Without her faithful, devoted companionship, and support Dad could never have pursued his work with such great vigor.

My perspective was gleaned from a position in the second row-first here on my right sitting with my Mother and sister

January 9, 2011

"Beyond What We Can Imagine"
W. Gregory Pope, preaching

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Ephesians 3:14-21
Matthew 25:14-30

I was to begin with you today a journey through the Sermon on the Mount, but something wonderful has happened in the past couple of weeks that I want to speak to instead.

During the last week of 2010 we were given two extraordinarily generous gifts by two saints of our church who have recently passed away. 

January 2, 2011

Jesus' Vision of a New World
W. Gregory Pope, preaching

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Series: The Sermon on the Mount
The Good and Beautiful Life:  Jesus’ Vision for a New World

 Matthew 4:12-5:2; 7:24-29
(Holy Communion)

What do you believe Jesus wants the world to look like?  How do you think Jesus wants his followers to live?  Of all the mysteries of faith, this is not one of them.  There is no clearer vision of what Jesus wants the world to look like and how Jesus wants his followers to live than the words recorded in Matthew’s Gospel, chapters 5-7, what we call The Sermon on the Mount.

For the next three and a half months we are going to be looking closely at these revolutionary teachings of Jesus