July 17, 2011

"The Healing Grace of Laughter"
W. Gregory Pope, preaching

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Luke 6:21; Proverbs 15:13, 15; 17:22


One of the most powerful and poetic preachers I know, Paul Duke, was once asked about his sermon preparation.  And he said, “Over one shoulder is the voice of George Buttrick, the great preacher of the mid 20th century, telling him, ‘You can say it better.  There’s a better word, a better phrase, a better image. You can say it better.’  And over the other shoulder is the voice of Grady Nutt.  And Grady is saying, ‘Lighten up!  Tell ‘em a story!’”

I think Grady might also say, “Tell ‘em a joke.” Grady did frame that beautiful line:  “Laughter is the hand of God on the shoulder of a troubled world.”  Jesus told the crowd one day, “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.”  Laughter is a sign of the in-breaking of God’s kingdom.  Our world is troubled.  For many of us, our hearts are troubled.  I do not know a person who cannot use a dose of the healing grace of laughter.  Humor helps us bear the pains of life more easily.  Why is that?

July 3, 2011

"When Your Life Plays Country Music"
W. Gregory Pope, preaching

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Psalm 13


Nothing expresses the heart’s lament and the soul’s despair like country music.  We appreciate Ryan Walker helping us develop that theme this morning.  Where you else do find words like:

Reba singing: Last night I prayed the Lord my soul to keep, and then I cried myself to sleep

Sammi Smith crying out: Help me make it through the night

George Jones crooning:  Imagine a world where no music was playing / And think of a church with nobody praying / Have you ever looked up at a sky with no blue? / Then you’ve seen a picture of me without you.

June 19, 2011

"Simple, Yet Subtle"
Jason Crosby, preaching

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Luke 24:13-35

I appreciate Greg’s giving me an opportunity to share a few words for our journey together today.  Today is my first Father’s Day as a father.  Our son, Brooks, arrived at 6:30pm on October 20, 2010.  Brooks came amidst much hoopla and fanfare.  We are most grateful that was the case.  Just a few days before his birth, you all, this congregation, showered us with prayers and gifts to help us prepare for life with Brooks.  We received many visitors, calls, cards, and meals expressing congratulations and support in the days and weeks following his birth.  Thanksgiving and Christmas were even more exciting and celebratory last year with Brooks in the mix.

June 12, 2011

W. Gregory Pope, preaching

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Series: Practice Resurrection
Acts 2

In Anne Lamott’s novel, Crooked Little Heart, Elizabeth is a main character trying to rebuild her life after the tragic accidental death of her first husband Andrew. She is now remarried and raising her teenaged daughter Rosie. But she’s never honestly worked through her grief over Andrew’s death and has not fully invested in her new marriage to James. Nor has she re-invested in life itself. In the first year after Andrew’s death she compulsively slept around, trying to beat back the pain.  Then she turned to alcohol to self-medicate the pain. And then depression took over.