November 27, 2011

"Preparing to Go"
Jason W. Crosby, preaching

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Isaiah 64:1-9; Mark 13:24-37

And so, we return to the beginning again.  Today is New Year’s day, at least on the Christian calendar.  Today also marks the first Sunday of Advent.  Today we cast our gaze toward the manger.  Today we begin preparations for our celebration of Christ’s birthday.  So why then, in the midst of lights going up, familiar carols filling the air-waves, and holiday festivities kicking into high gear does the lectionary drop Mark 13 in our laps?  Why concern ourselves with talk about a darkening sun and a lightless moon when we are on the verge of focusing on the light brought forth by Christ?  Why discuss falling stars when we are about to recall Christ’s earliest followers tracking a brightly burning star to Bethlehem?  Why are we pointed toward the end of it all before we even get started?