March 18, 2012

"Life's Essential Element"
Jason W. Crosby, preaching

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John 3:14-21

March 11, 2012

"How Jesus Has Seen Me Through"
Andrea Woolley, preaching

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Psalm 19

For those of you who know me even the slightest bit, know that I am a very private and guarded person. I am cautious of what I tell to who and how much I share even when it is regarding good and happy stuff. But I am downright closed off when it comes to telling of the despairing and dark seasons of my life.  And yet, this morning, I am choosing to tell you my story of “how Jesus got me through.” We have heard during this Lenten season from Darrell Adams and Kaw Waw how Jesus has gotten them through times of tragedy and loss and unspeakable violence. And we will, in coming weeks, hear from others.

Though, all of our stories differ greatly, I hope that you all hear a recurring theme – that God’s grace is indeed sufficient through the despair and darkness, as well as the joyous times, of life.

March 4, 2012

"Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, Jesus Christ"
Jason W. Crosby, preaching

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Mark 8:31-38

                Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, and Jesus Christ.  I hope my seminary preaching professor does not learn that I preached a sermon with this title.  Her pet peeve is sermons that rely too heavily on sports themes.  No two people in popular culture, however, have stimulated more conversation about Christianity in the past six months than Tim Tebow and Jeremy Lin.  In case you are unaware, Tim Tebow played football at the University of Florida.  He is arguably the best college football player of all time.  He won the Heisman Trophy, college football’s highest honor in 2007, and led the Gators to two national championships.  However, the pundits doubted whether or not his quarterbacking style would work in the pros.  Despite his success in college, it took nearly a year and a half before he was given the opportunity to become the Denver Broncos starting quarterback mid-way through last season.  When he became the starter the Broncos were 1-4.  Tebow did struggle once he assumed that role.  He had trouble completing passes.  However, he had a knack for keeping his team in games and pulling off miraculous last-minute comebacks.  Under Tebow’s leadership, the Broncos turned their season around and surprisingly made the playoffs.

February 26, 2012

"In Rainbows"
Jason W. Crosby, preaching

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Genesis 9:8-17

                If we were to set aside all that we have come to understand, or think we understand, about God; if we were to try to forget all that we learned in Sunday School as a child about God, all that we have experienced through worship about God, all that we have come to grasp about God through relationships and personal experiences about God; if we were to approach God carte blanche, and begin our relationship with god anew by opening the bible and turning to Genesis 1, we would learn, first of all, that our God is an author.  God is the Author of the universe who yearns to establish a perfect world where all creation – plants, animals, and humanity – live in peace and harmony under God’s reign. 

February 19, 2012

"Letting Go"
Jason Crosby, preaching

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2 Kings 2:1-12; Mark 9:2-10

Our passage today is one about transition.  Actually, it is a passage about transition couched within a transition.  Second Kings 1 documents the death of King Ahaziah.  Second Kings 3 describes the assumption of power by Ahaziah’s brother, Jehoram to the throne.  In between these accounts of political transition in Second Kings 2 we encounter a story about the way God produces change involving the prophets Elijah to Elisha.  I do not believe this is mere coincidence.