Karen Scott -- Infants and Children

Two very special verses for me in the Bible are Luke 18: 16-17. “But Jesus called for them (his disciples) and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.  Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’”  Most Sunday mornings you will find me with the children in the nursery at church which has been quite active since the arrival of our Karen four years ago.  I remember well that 1st Sunday when I went to Birchwood Lobby to meet the Mom’s with infants and children, and somehow had to communicate that their children were going to be safe with us.  I smiled and opened my arms to them to let them know I wanted to hold their children and we walked together to the nursery.  It’s been a long, interesting learning journey since then and I know this is where God wants me to be on Sunday mornings.  I am committed to making our nursery a warm, safe and welcoming place for all children and their parents.

We have a group of Sunday school teachers and extended session volunteers who have made quite a commitment to our children and I am thankful for them every Sunday.  They give their time to rock our babies, build (and knock down) block towers, be creative with play doh, sing wonderful songs we’ve all sung for years, tell Bible stories, and teach our children about Jesus.  They have held, walked and consoled many a crying child.  We have all grown with all our new families. 

Our nursery and preschool is a welcoming place to our families thanks to funding from the church.  With church funds we purchase goldfish, cheerios, Teddy grahams, and apple juice that our children snack on each Sunday.  Supplies we purchase include diapers, wipes, Kleenexes, wax paper, and batteries.  Our craft supplies include construction paper, scissors, markers, stickers, glue and crayons.  The children make many pictures to be hung on their refrigerators.  A few years ago we were able to purchase some new toys and books.  Not long ago, a Sunday School class donated funds to purchase much needed sheets, cloth diapers and blankets.  Church members have also donated socks to keep our children’s feet warm in the winter and pants, tops and undies for our occasional accidents.  Your monetary support of CHBC goes a long way in keeping our children safe and warm and I thank you.  Our children are blessed by you and any time you want to visit the nursery, you are welcome!

--Karen Scott

(If you have ideas for a future article, please contact Anne-Britton Arnett at 896-2337.)