Allen Bartlett and the Transportation Ministry


Providing transportation for people has been a ministry of Crescent Hill Baptist Church for many, many years.  When Eileen and I joined CHBC in 1995, the blue van was being used to pick up members who were no longer driving.  David Graves, as coordinator, recruited me to help in the pickups during the late 1990’s. At that time, only one van was needed to pick up these loyal members. The drivers rotated driving the van.

CHBC acquired a second van, the red van, to assist in the pickups for the afterschool program, another ministry of CHBC. The afterschool program used the two vans to pick up the students until recently when the afterschool program was discontinued.

When the refugees from Burma started arriving in Louisville over four years ago and found their way to CHBC, another transportation opportunity opened itself up for our church. Additional drivers were recruited to expand the Sunday transportation. Soon both vans were used for Sunday transportation. People kept coming to Crescent Hill Baptist Church. New individuals and families were invited to Crescent Hill Baptist Church by the families who felt comfortable with us. It was not long before our two vans could not carry all who wanted to come.

The church voted to hire a bus to pick up people at Americana Apartments (off Southside Drive) while the two vans picked up at other locations on Sundays. At the present time, the church hires two buses (the yellow school buses that you see) and the blue and red van are also used.  Approximately 120-150 additional people are coming to Crescent Hill Baptist Church. Second Presbyterian Church started letting Crescent Hill Baptist Church use their 24 passenger bus since the family they sponsored was coming to CHBC.  Glen Bellou and I each obtained a Commercial Drivers License in order to drive the 24 passenger bus. Recently, CHBC purchased that bus from Second Presbyterian Church since they were not using it.

Jason Crosby coordinates the transportation of the youth who attend CHBC’s Wednesday tutoring sessions after school. The tutoring sessions provide a much needed educational assistance to these young people. There are six CHBC drivers who rotate on a three week cycle to take these youth home after the Wednesday youth program. Approximately 15-20 youth are transported every Wednesday during the school year.

In all, there are 9 CHBC members providing transportation on Wednesday nights and Sunday. For special childrens and youth programs, transportation is needed. Other programs have the capability to use CHBC vehicles too. Transportation is very much a ministry for me and CHBC.

Among the van and bus drivers have been these:  Barbara Allen, Allen Bartlett, Andy Bates, Josh Bailes, Glen Bellou, Jeff Chandler, Steve Clark, Jason Crosby, Annette Ellard, David Graves, Margaret Graves, Joy Henry, Jed Johnson, John McIntee, Ellen Massey, Lewis Miller, Lance Springs, Rae Taylor, Frank Woggon, Andrea Woolley, et al.


(If you have ideas for a future article, please contact Anne-Britton Arnett at 896-2337.)