I hope this email finds you well.  There is still much happening at CHBC even though we are currently unable to meet in person.

Unfortunately, ALL activities at CHBC will continue to be suspended through Sunday, April 5. (This means we will NOT be meeting in person on 4/5/2020.)  We will continue to watch what the CDC recommends as well as what the State recommends and we are watching what JCPS does.  We may need to suspend typical operations longer, but for now, all in-person activities are suspend through April 5.

This suspension of activities includes the Johnson Lecture Series.  The Lecture Series team is in communication with Molly Marshall to see if there is a possibility of rescheduling. We will keep you updated on that as information becomes available.

Also, our annual Eggstravaganza, which was scheduled for April 11, has been cancelled this year.  The Frankfort Ave Easter parade has been cancelled as well.  Once we are able to resume in-person activities, we will hopefully be able to host a different kind of large group family-friendly neighborhood gathering.

Even though we are not meeting in person, this does not mean operations have stopped at CHBC.  Far from it.  A few updates on happenings within the CHBC community:
1. Work is almost complete on the new kitchenette/workroom in the office! Thank you, Tom Scott and Bob Hieb!
2. All last week we had Josh and Ryan from SIR running new cable drops, installing access points and switches, and cleaning up the cables in the tech closet and cable runs in the office. What does all that mean? That is the work that needs to be done to upgrade our network.  In other words: the church's WIFI will be stronger and continuous through the most used parts of the building.  We should be finishing that project by the end of the week!!  Thank you Matt Dyer and the tech team for getting that project planned and implemented.
3. On Sunday morning the personnel team met via a Zoom meeting.
4. We were able to record and post a worship service online. If you have not had a chance to see that yet, go to, and you can watch it there.
5. We are continuing to match those with needs and those with the ability to help. So if you have a need -- an errand run, childcare, a friendly voice on the phone to get you through the isolation -- please let us know. We have several folks able to help, but so far we do not know what folks needs are.
6. Our office remains open 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Give us a call if you have a need.
7. Our custodial staff continues to work. With no activities occurring in the building, they are able to focus on disinfecting the building and doing some additional deep cleaning.

Upcoming ways to continue to be involved with CHBC:
1. Wednesday morning Dr. Hinson will teach his study on Luke and Acts via Zoom. If you have been attending that class, look for an email from Andrea with information on how to join that meeting in the morning.
2. Brittani will host a session for our youth on Facebook Live via the youth page at 5:30 PM on Wednesday.
2. We will offer a Wednesday evening experience to connect with folks through a virtual prayer meeting.  We will meet via Zoom at 6:00 Wednesday, March 18.  (See below for instructions on how to join that meeting.)
3. We will again record and post a Sunday morning worship experience. We will send out details later this week on how to connect to that.
4. Give. The office is still operating. The staff is still working. We are still trying to foster community and meet needs. Therefore, we still have expenses. Please continue to give your tithes and offerings. You can mail a check. You can setup recurring donations through your bank. You can give online (and/or set up a recurring donation) at 
5. You may also want to consider donating blood if you are able. Contact the Red Cross.
6. Continue to call and check up on your friends, folks in your Sunday School classes and other small groups, and those who may be particularly vulnerable right now. If you hear of needs, please let us know.
7. We are looking into ways to provide meals to those in need. Stay tuned for information regarding that.

How to connect via Zoom for Wednesday Prayer Meeting:
Andrea Woolley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Wednesday Prayer Meeting 3/18/2020
Time: Mar 18, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Prayer Meeting will begin at 6:00, but I will open up the meeting at 5:45 so folks have time to connect and test video and audio.

If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 549 949 704
Password: 036712

If you do not have a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access, you can call from any phone one of the following numbers. You will be able to hear the discussion, but you will not have video.
Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 549 949 704

Watch the CHBC Facebook page. I (Andrea) will begin sharing links and ideas on how to keep kids (and adults) from getting too bored and how to keep kids engaged during this time of social distancing.

We will get through this together. Let us plunge on with hope and courage in these days of uncertainty. 

Andrea and Jason

How to Stay Connected to CHBC:
Make sure that you are signed up for the Remind App so that we can text you any last minute updates about meetings, gatherings, and events. If you are not, simply text @chbcky to 81010
We will also send eNewsletters out regularly as information becomes available. If you do not receive that newsletter in your inbox, and you think you have signed up for it, check your spam folder. If you haven’t signed up to receive the eNewsletter, go to At the bottom of our homepage is a place to enter your email address for the newsletter.
Check the church website ( and Facebook ( for updates.