COVID19 UPDATE 3/27/2020

Sunday Morning Worship Experience

We are going to offer an online Worship Service again this week. As things with COVID-19 continue, and the need for social distancing and isolating increases, we are involving as few people as possible in person. We will be recording and then uploading the video to our church website and our Facebook page on Sunday morning.  The recorded worship service will be on the church website ( and Facebook page by Sunday at 10:45 AM. The services will be viewable on our homepage for one week when we will upload the new service. Therefore, if you haven't watched the service from Sunday, March 22 do so before this Sunday morning.

**Special Request: Next Sunday, April 5 is Palm Sunday. As is our tradition at CHBC, we usually have palm branches available for our congregation to wave during the service and our children process into the service with palm branches. Obviously, we are still unable to meet in person, but we want your help in continuing this tradition.  I challenged our children to do this this morning, and I want everyone to give this a try.  Create your own palm branch and take a photo of yourself holding it and email it to We are going to utilize these photos in Palm Sunday's online worship service, so please help us!!

Wednesday Evening Virtual Prayer Meeting

We had a nice time in fellowship with other folks virtually Wednesday evening via Zoom. We will gather again at 6:00 PM this coming Wednesday. This give folks a way to talk with each other to share joys and prayer concerns, and those connecting through their computer will be able to see the faces of those who gather. The Zoom meeting is live and will not be recorded or posted later.  If you would like to participate follow the directions below:
If joining the Zoom Prayer Meeting through a computer, tablet, or smartphone click on this link:
Meeting ID: 860 970 250
Password: 345936
If you do not have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can use a regular phone or cell phone and call one of the numbers below and use the Meeting ID: 860 970 250.  If you are calling, you will hear and be able to talk, but you will not have video.
Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US

Meal Pick-up

Bobbe Crouch has offered to prepare meals and freeze them. Folks in need of a meal or would like a delicious meal, can reserve one for pick up.  An email was sent yesterday with next week's menu and instructions on how to order and pick up the meals.

Sunday School Classes are Zooming

All of our adult Sunday School classes are offering ways to stay connected through Zoom.  Your Sunday School leader will email the class to let you know when your class is meeting and how to connect. If you are a member of a Sunday School class but did not receive that information, please reach out to your Sunday School teacher or let us know. If you are not involved with a Sunday School class, but would like to connect with one virtually during these days of isolation, please let us know and we will get you connected!

Other Small Groups That Are Zooming

1. Dr. Hinson's Wednesday morning Bible Study on Luke and Acts met is meeting via Zoom at 10:30AM each Wednesday.
2. Brittani and Josh Bair's Sunday evening Lenten Discussion Group will meet this Sunday via Zoom at 5:00PM.
3. The children (all ages from birth to 5th grade) and a parent are invited to Zoom on Friday at 10:30AM. 

If you would like to be involved with one of these small groups, let us know and we will get you connected!  Or if your small group is meeting virtually, let us know!

New Virtual Groups and Opportunities

1. Susan Lockwood is putting together a Prayer Group. We have added a form to our website to allow folks to enter a prayer request. ( requests will be forwarded to our staff and the prayer group. If you are interested in joining this prayer group send an email to
2. Quinn Chipley would like to start a Koine Greek Practice Group. This group would meet via Zoom once a week and practice vocalizing texts, parse verbs, and review grammar. If you are a former student of Koine Greek and would like to refresh those skills, let Quinn know you are interested. We have put together a poll to see which day and time would be best. Please go to and let us know when you would like to meet.

Please Continue to Give

The office is still operating. The staff is still working. We are still trying to foster community and meet needs. Therefore, we still have expenses. Please continue to give your tithes and offerings. You can mail a check. You can setup recurring donations through your bank. You can give online (and/or set up a recurring donation) by clicking here ( and we have added a new way to give while we are physically apart. You can now TEXT-TO-GIVE! From your cell phone send a text to 502-237-7312 and type GIVE in the message line. You will be taken to a link to enter your information. You can use credit card/debit card or draft your bank account. 

How to Zoom

We are connecting a lot these days via Zoom.  If you do not have experience with this platform, I have put together a very detailed guide. Please do not let the guide's length intimidate you. I tried to add lots of pictures and walk you through each button to click. In real-time, it takes less than 2 minutes to connect the first time and less than a minute each following time.  Click on this link to view the instruction guide.  Also, you can run a test meeting to familiarize yourself with the platform by going to

How to Stay Connected to CHBC:
Make sure that you are signed up for the Remind App so that we can text you any last minute updates about meetings, gatherings, and events. If you are not, simply text @chbcky to 81010
We will also send eNewsletters out regularly as information becomes available. If you do not receive that newsletter in your inbox, and you think you have signed up for it, check your spam folder. If you haven’t signed up to receive the eNewsletter, go to At the bottom of our homepage is a place to enter your email address for the newsletter.
Check the church website ( and Facebook ( for updates.